20 February 2024

Assetz Capital launches new £100m Planning Assistance Loan scheme 

Manchester headquartered specialist lender, Assetz Capital, has launched a new Planning Assistance Loan product, aimed at supporting the conversion of commercial buildings in to residential dwellings

The new product solution is specifically designed to help experienced property developers acquire commercial buildings, with the intent of securing residential, PBSA, or PRS Planning Permission for onward redevelopment during the period of the loan.

There will also be an option to convert the facility into a new Refurbishment Loan upon gaining successful and implementable Planning Permission.

With a new 10.5% fixed launch rate, the Planning Assistance Loan scheme aims to support developers following a period of significant interest rate volatility. The scheme will see Assetz Capital deploy a further £100m over the next two years to property developers, over and above its existing lending aspirations. .

The new scheme will also allow Assetz Capital to become more involved in supporting the repurposing of underutilised commercial spaces in city centres across the UK. The team has already supported a number of experienced developers over the last few years, having created over 955 new beds, with Gross Debt of over £54m in conversions of offices to PBSA developments alone.

This latest product innovation follows a period of expansion for the specialist lender, with the announcement of a £200m expansion to its lending partnership with Aros Kapital. 

Andrew Fraser, CCO at Assetz Capital, said: “At Assetz Capital, we are always looking for areas where we can continue to increase the support we provide to property developers across the UK. This new product will provide £100m of funding to developers in acquiring commercial property with a residential conversion focus over the next two years. We will consider commercial properties with clear residential-led development potential. We want to support realistic projects and be part of the larger repurposing of city centres across the UK”.

“Assetz Capital has been heavily involved in some fantastic repurposing schemes, such as turning old office or warehouse facilities into modern, vibrant, and much needed housing stock, with a core optic being in the student space, but not exclusively. There is vast amounts of opportunity to convert these underutilised commercial sites in our city centres, so we’re excited to be part of the solution to drive residential development over the coming years.”

If you would like to explore potential funding solutions, do not hesitate to connect with our team of property experts today and check out our social media pages