9 February 2024

Uni not for you, how about an apprenticeship?

After my A-Levels, I decided to apply to 5 different universities, but I knew that uni wasn’t for me when I went for open days. I thought that I could only apply for degree apprenticeships as I had already done my A-Levels, however I was happy to find out that I could still complete a Level 3 or 4 apprenticeship in any field. 

Once I’d decided I didn’t want to go to university, I applied for a marketing apprenticeship with Assetz Capital. After I passed my Level 3 Digital Marketing apprenticeship, I became a marketing Executive.

There are so many different types of apprenticeships available and from the age of 16! The range of fields can be from business admin to a degree apprenticeship to become a medical doctor! Doing an apprenticeship is the best career decision I have made, and it has launched my career from being a digital marketing and communication apprentice to Marketing Executive in just over a year. 

If you want to explore the apprenticeships available to you, then the government website it great for finding vacancies or you could find a training provider that you like and view the vacancies they have. 

If you are already applying for apprenticeship or are just about to start your new job, then read these top tips for apprentices. 

  • Talk to your fellow apprentices- they are going through the same thing, and you can share your thoughts and worries with them. You will get to know apprentices in the same field when you start your training sessions. 
  • It will be strange going from school/college to a full-time job, just take your time, make sure you are prepared and do some research into the company you are joining.
  • Apprenticeships in different companies will be different. Joining a very large company will be a lot different to joining a small/start up company. Make sure you know the company and like the people you will be working with. 
  • Attend as many webinars and learning sessions in the career you are going into, having as much knowledge as possible before starting will make a great first impression. Also talking to people who are already in the field is really insightful, such as attending a career talk.
  •  Document and screenshot everything! You will need to show the apprenticeship provider that you can do your job and take learnings from the sessions and put them into practise in your workplace.
  • It’s okay to change your mind. You’ll soon find out whether you are passionate about the field you want to go into when you take an interview. Research all the available options for careers before accepting a job. 

Working at Assetz Capital is great as I get to experience all aspects of marketing, including email marketing, social media management, content creation, PR and much more. Not only do I have the chance to get involved in everything, I get to learn more about the finance field, such as following along a development. 

I would definitely recommend exploring apprenticeship options before applying to university, or even after university if you have changed your mind about the field of work you would like to go in. There are so many different apprenticeships out there and it’s perfect if university isn’t for you. 

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